The Meet for the Great Lakers Graham Owners Club is going to be in Bowling Green, Ohio the weekend of May 3-5, 2024. We are going to see 1 of 10 known restored Donald Roebling’s Alligators aka Buffalos. The Graham Brothers joined in the war efforts in the 1940’s by building about 3000 of these amphibious troop landers at the rate of 6 per week, with 24 hour shifts, at 7 days a week. 18,630 of these beauties were built. We tried to see Tom Price in 2021, but you know what Covid did to the best laid plans of mice and men…
So, let’s try again!
We also plan to tour the Antique Construction Equipment Museum. This facility obtains, preserves and displays machines, exhibits and artifacts that represent the development and history of construction machinery from the 1800s to the present day. Its collection includes over 180 machines, dating from the late 1800s through 1984 plus newer support machines.
Rooms are being helpd under the "Graham Car Club. To get our special rate, you must call the hotel for a reservation and mention that you are a club member. Do not book online.
Hampton Inn by Hilton - (419) 353-3464 142 Campbell Hill Road Bowling Green, OH 43402
Mention: Graham Car Club Make your reservations by April 10 th
Please Inform us of your intentions--- Hosts: Dick Michelhaugh and Rick & Cindy Michelhaugh Dick Michelhaugh at [email protected] OR (513) 560-2435 Cindy Michelhaugh at [email protected] OR (865) 456-0486